Your Experience Is Important To Us

Feedback at Acumen Strata

We aim to deliver exceptional service to our customers. If you’ve had a positive experience, we’d be keen to hear more.  Providing positive feedback to our staff and team is important for our team to hear.

We are also aware that we don’t get everything right all the time.  We need constructive feedback to learn how we can improve our services to you and support our staff to upskill in areas that may need it.

We take your feedback seriously and actively seek it through our client satisfaction surveys to ensure we are continually improving.

You can submit feedback to us by using the form on this page.

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Suite 8, 43-53 Bridge Rd STANMORE NSW 2048

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02 7253 5820

Acumen Strata Complaints Management Process

The Process

This information is to assist you lodge a formal complaint if you wish to do so and explain how and when we will respond to your complaint. A person wishing to make a complaint may do so in writing to:

  • The member of staff you were dealing with at the time, unless the complaint is about this person.
  • The principal.

If the complaint is about a service delivered by our company; the complaint will normally be dealt with by the relevant strata manager. If the complaint is about a staff member, the complaint will normally be dealt with by the Principal.

Written complaints should be emailed to:

Our Six Step Process

1. We acknowledge

Within two business days of receiving a written complaint we will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and providing them with information about the process and time frame. The complaint is to be registered in the Acumen complaints register.

2. We Review

We will undertake an initial review of the complaint within five working days and determine what if any additional information or documentation may be required to complete an investigation. If the complaint appears to be a complaint about circumstances in their strata scheme, and not about actual actions of Acumen Strata in service delivery, we will identify this with the client and raise it with the strata committee instead.

3. We Investigate

Within 8 business days of receiving the compliant we will investigate the complaint objectively and impartially, by considering the information provided us, our actions in relation to the issue and any other information which may be available, that could assist us in investigating the complaint.

4. We Respond

We will inform the complainant via email within 10 working days of the complaint being received of what is being done to investigate and resolve the complaint, and the expected time frame for resolution. As far as possible, complaints or appeals will be investigated and resolved within 20 working days of being received. If this time frame cannot be met, the complainant will be informed of the reasons why and of the alternative time frame for resolution. Following our investigation, we will notify the complainant of the outcome and any options for further action if required.

5. We Act

Where appropriate, we introduce strategies to amend our business practices.

6. We Record

We will record the complaint in accordance with legislation, for continuous improvement process, and monitoring through regular review. Personal information will be recorded in accordance with relevant privacy legislation.

What if I am Unhappy With the Resolution?

Further Assistance

If you are not happy with the outcomes of a complaint, you may be able to lodge a complaint with Strata Community Association (NSW) or Fair Trading, their office will determine if it has the power to investigate your complaint.

Please click here to read the Strata Community Association (NSW) Code of Conduct complaint management process.

Suite 8, 43-53 Bridge Rd STANMORE NSW 2048

PO Box 455, Newtown, NSW 2042

02 7253 5820

© 2022 Acumen Strata Management Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.